Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jackie Gleason Trips Out On LSD!


I Ain't No Oprah said...

I'm freakin' out!

(not really)

Sparkle Plenty said...

And I thought I'd seen every old movie there WAS! Including every culty and quirky old movie. It's devastating to find out that my ed-u-ma-ca-tion was lacking.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

What is this movie?

My wee ones were freaking out. I told them "Don't do drug!"

Sparkle Plenty said...

Ishat's! I assumed it was from the same movie that's in the right sidebar video clip. That clip's a movie trailer and it looks like the same movie as this Jackie Gleason freak-out: "Skidoo." I've NEVER ever ever heard of it. From my googling detective work, it looks like it was never released and Turner Classics (which I don't get) showed it recently? It was directed by Otto Preminger and had a million stars in it. Is that right, Lamont?

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Drat, Netflix is out. I will have to check out Turner listings.
Drat not on calander for any play date.

Anonymous said...


"It was directed by Otto Preminger and had a million stars in it."

Yes, that is correct, but only when Preminger panned skyward during the outdoor nighttime scenes.

-- Lamont "EVERY Night Has A Million Stars, What's The Big Deal?" Cranston

Lois Lane said...


Y'know, this reminds me of an R. Crumb cartoon...

Sparkle Plenty said...


You goober.